
Stand Up Paddle Colorado is committed to working in conjunction with the Town of Avon, Avon Rec Center, Eagle County and Summit Countyto operate and comply with all the current measures in the current COVID 19 climate.

We will adhere to the 5 commitments of containment

  1. I will maintain 6ft Social Distance
  2. I will wash my hands often
  3. I will cover my face in Public
  4. I will stay home if I’m sick
  5. I will get tested immediately if I have symptoms

As far as our operations we will encourage all patrons to purchase their activity online to maintain distance and sanitation standards.  Our staff will wear masks and have gloves as well.  We will clean and disinfect all paddles and pfd’s after use.  We will have cones or other means of showing patrons where to stand in line as they await getting to use their rented equipment.  We will keep immediate families together and allow them to use monster boards and pedal boats but that will be the only sharing we will allow.

Employees will test their temperatures every day before work.  We will have a log of this at our location.  Any employee feeling any symptoms will be asked to leave, get tested and take appropriate time off before allowed back to work.

We understand that these times are unprecedented in our generation and we are committed to  continue our relationship as an exemplary partner of Town of Dillon and Town of Avon.  We understand that initially we will be serving solely patrons in our county and are excited to offer access and recreational opportunities that will further health and physical activity.